Some swimming clubs aim to prepare swimmers mainly for competitions and professional swimming goals. Our club aims for a similar standard of swimming excellence without the pressure of regular competitions and meets.
Our trained coaches focus and strive to fine tune all aspects of the sport including diving, turning, stroke detailing, to preparing for a swim meet.
Our club offers swimming as an athletic endeavour. Kids (and adults!) who are already at home in the pool and can swim independently can hone their skills, discipline and mastery of swimming.
We make time for fun games, family activities, and mini meets. This enables our amazing swimmers to get to know each other and celebrate their success.
Participation goes beyond mere attendance; it involves active involvement, enthusiasm, and a genuine commitment to the task at hand.
Teamwork is the cornerstone of success in any collaborative endeavor. It is the collective effort of individuals coming together, pooling their skills, knowledge, and resources to achieve a common goal.
Sportsmanship is the embodiment of integrity, respect, and fair play in the realm of sports. It goes beyond mere skill or winning; it encompasses the values that elevate competition to a higher level.
Proficiency is achieved through dedicated practice, continuous learning, and a deep understanding of the subject matter. It goes beyond basic knowledge and involves a refined level of proficiency that enables individuals to perform complex tasks or solve intricate problems.
While there are pools that offer swimming lessons for kids who are just getting comfortable in the water, our club offers swimming as an athletic endeavour. Kids (and adults!) who are already at home in the pool and can swim independently can hone their skills, discipline and mastery of swimming.
Spartans Aquatic Club is based out of the Fritz Sick Memorial Pool and offers non-competitive swim sessions from September to May. Our trained coaches focus and strive to fine tune all aspects of the sport including diving, turning, stroke detailing, to preparing for a swim meet. They also work on endurance and incorporate stretching routines. We also make time for fun games, family activities, and mini meets. This enables our amazing swimmers to get to know each other and celebrate their success.
Some swimming clubs aim to prepare swimmers mainly for competitions and professional swimming goals. Our club aims for a similar standard of swimming excellence without the pressure of regular competitions and meets.
We can summarize all that in our mission statement:
The Spartans Aquatic Club is a local non-profit organization that is committed to developing and producing high performance and competitive swimmers at all levels, emphasizing individual progress, team unity and family participation.
As a previous competitive swimmer, my love for swimming has extended into coaching and I hope to instil a passion for swimming with each swimmer that crosses my path. I’m currently attending the UofL for a combined degree in Kinesiology and General Management. When I’m not in school or coaching, I spend most of my time outside hiking, camping and hanging out with family!
I started competitive swimming when I was six years old and completely fell in love with the sport. My goal is to bring a positive environment to every swimmer I coach, so they too can share a passion for swimming. I am currently attending UofL for a sociology degree. During my free time I enjoy traveling, spending time with my family and friends, and going on adventures with my dog.